Quantitative research

CATI - Opinion Survey

  • Capi, Cati, Cawi
  • Central Location
  • Flow Point / Intercept
  • Face to Face
  • Home
  • Telephone
  • Clinics

Reliable data collection for quantitative research was based on a solid selection of our interviewers.

With a reach throughout the Brazilian territory, we use technology to manage and monitor data collection as if we were over the interviewer’s shoulder.

Our quest for quality in the data collected for your project makes us look at each interview, each answer as a unique detail that makes up the project as a whole, and experience in field work led us to this conclusion.

The success of your project is a relentless pursuit for us and the field work for quantitative research is handled in a unique way and with individual attention.

We will deliver the collected data exactly inside the
parameters right!